Friday – March 7, 2025
L. Bonitz
Theoretical Part I
Treatment concepts of orbital fractures (voting, discussion)
M. Gontarz
Treatment concepts of nasal fractures and NOE fractures (voting and discussion)
A. Bicsak
Treatment concepts of Zygoma fractures (voting and discussion)
M. Gontarz
Practical Part I
Treatment of orbital fracture
A. Bicsak
Treatment of nasal fracture/NOE fractures
A. Bicsak
Treatment concepts presentation and treatment of Zygoma fractures
L. Bonitz
Apéro and case discussions (attendees to bring complex cases)
L. Bonitz<br /> A. Bicsak
Saturday – March 8, 2025
Theoretical Part II
Treatment concepts of extended mandibular traumatology
A. Chloupek
Fractures of the mandibular condylar process and treatment of case
L. Bonitz
Endoscopically assisted fracture treatment of condyle (other side)
Z. Stopa
Practical Part II
Treatment concepts of mandibular reconstruction
A. Bicsak
Treatment of mandibular L fracture / reconstruction
L. Bonitz
Free swim, treatment of mandibular fractures
L. Bonitz<br /> A. Bicsak
Summary and Adjorn
PD Dr. Dr. Lars Bonitz, Dortmund, Germany
Dr. Dr. Akos Bicsak, Dortmund, Germany
Dr. Aldona Chloupek, Warszawa, Poland
Dr. Michał Gontarz, Kraków, Poland
dr n. med. Zygmunt Stopa
Course in English
Chairperson: PD Dr. Dr. Lars Bonitz, Dortmund, Germany
Fee/participant: 8500 PLN
Fee/observer: 1500 PLN
2 participants per cadaver
Medical Partners:
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*usługa płatna, świadczona przez zewnętrzną firmę
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- poniżej 14 dni przed terminem szkolenia - Uczestnikowi nie przysługuje zwrot wniesionej opłaty.
W razie pytań pozostajemy do dyspozycji: Aleksandra Cichowska, tel. 789 289 226