Practical aspects of the treatment of humerus and forearm bones fractures 7
Booked Event!
Ortopedia i Traumatologia

Practical aspects of the treatment of humerus and forearm bones fractures


Day I – 15th December 2024


Opening. Cadaver safety rules. Introduction of participants.

Clavicle - surgical approach, sensory nerves, ACJ stabilization with a hook plate, coracoacromial ligament harvesting, surgical approach for humeral nail

Fixation of the fracture of the proximal part and shaft of the humerus, radial nerve revision


Fixation of the fracture of the distal humerus – posterior approach, revision of the radial and ulnar nerve (anteposition)

Surgical approach to the coronoid process

Day II – 16th December 2024

Fractures of the proximal radius - screws, anatomical plate, prosthesis - surgical approach

Fractures of the proximal ulna: posterior approach, the Boyd approach, bridge osteosynthesis

Coffee break

Fractures of the distal radius - DRONes intramedullary device: tips and tricks, conversion to plate osteosynthesis

Fractures of the distal radius - volar plate: tips and tricks


Radial shaft fracture, positioning the plate without damaging the muscle atachments, radial bow positioning of the plate, with no pre-bending

DRUJ damage and instability, fracture of the base of the ulna styloid process, screw, cerclage fixation, extension of the approach, TFCC reinsertion, ulnar nerve revision

Varia - use of cadavers in accordance with the needs of participants

Summary. Discussion. Certificates. Group photo.


Practical aspects of the treatment of humerus and forearm bones fractures 8

dr n. med. Maciej Piotrowski

Specjalista Ortopedii i Traumatologii Narządu Ruchu. Od 2009 r Kierownik Podod...
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Practical aspects of the treatment of humerus and forearm bones fractures 9

dr n. med. Filip Dąbrowski

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Practical aspects of the treatment of humerus and forearm bones fractures 10

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Dane do faktury


Opłata za uczestnictwo: 7600 zł

Opłata za uczestnictwo (dla Członka PTOiTr): 7200 zł

Przy jednym preparacie pracuje 2 uczestników.

Partner Medyczny:

Practical aspects of the treatment of humerus and forearm bones fractures 13


Hand Surgery Section of Polish Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology


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